Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Search Engines

I tried out 4 new search engines today, Mooter, Exalead, Gravee and Clusty (in that order).

Mooter was an interesting idea. But I didn't much care for it myself. It initially organizes the information graphically, but not in a particularly useful way. It has a preset template that it just plugs the results into. I was hoping it would do something kinda like a tag cloud, where it made the result bigger if it had more results, but alas.

I did a search for "Mastodon Research" here are the top 2 results (and an image i found on google):

#1 Hyde Park Mastodon Research: Mastodon Teeth Isotopes "You are what you eat." This is true not only for humans, but extinct mastodons as well. .

#2 Research in Progress: TaphonomyHyde Park Mastodon Research: Taphonomy. Taphonomy basically means "studying what happens to animals ... This question often allows scientists to discover a .

Exalead I did like. It had an interface that was easy to read and it provided a preview of what the website looks like. I might use this website if google's website was down.


#1 same as mooter's #1

#2 Post-modern Research: Mastodon - Freemasonic Shriner Metal??

Post-modern Research You saw it here first! (most likely anyway) Tuesday, August 01, 2006 Mastodon - Freemasonic Shriner Metal??

Gravee was the worst one. I think the site might have been down, I hope so anyway, because when I tried doing a search all I got was a blank screen, not so useful.

Clusty was the last search engine I used. It seemed alright. It used a sidebar w/ the results divided by category and the number of results within each category. Bully for it. Here are the results of my mastadon search on clusty:

#1 Welcome to the Mastodon Page at PRInew windowpreviewpreviewshow in clusters

Since August, 1999, PRI, in conjunction with Cornell University, has been involved with three mastodon excavations, one in Hyde Park, NY and another (Cornell's .

#2 Hyde Park Mastodon Unearthed! new windowpreviewpreviewshow in clusters

Matrix Project - Get yourself, your highschool class, or even your Girl Scout troupe, involved in the research