Online Application tools, boo-yah! That's an expression meant to convey happiness or excitement for those of you unfamiliar w/ boo-yahing. Google Docs is great. If this had been around when I was in college I would have been all over it. Way back in the early to mid-2000s when I went to college, I faced a significant dilemma. What's the easiest way of transporting a paper in electronic format? In the end I just settled on emailing the paper to myself so that it would available to me on whichever computer I found myself in front of. Google Docs would have cut out the middlemen, my yahoo and hotmail email accounts. Google Docs has all the basic word features I need and works great. I'm using it to make some suggested revisions to the LEO handbook and it has been 100% equal to the task (see below). I looked at some of the other stuff, such as zoho, it seemed pretty similar to Google Docs to be honest, so kudos to zoho. Google calendar was great, if you're into that kind of thing, but to be honest the only thing I use calendars for is to have a new picture to look forward to each time I turn the page.
(italic= suggested revision)
LEO Handbook
This is the second revised edition of the LIBRARY EMPLOYEES HANDBOOK. Each section of this edition has been reviewed and revised. This is the Handbook of the Library Employees= Organization of the Salt Lake City Public Library.
Members should make all recommendations or observations on the effectiveness of this Handbook, in writing, to the Executive Council member of their choice.
This Library Employees= Organization handbook is submitted by committee members:
Matt McLain
Randi Carter
Jered Hundley
Approved by the LEO Membership, and confirmed by the Executive Council and Representative Council at the August 2004 Monthly Representative Meeting.
The Library Employee�s Organization exists as an instrument for the improvement of the library staff as a whole. LEO acts as an intermediary between the administration and the staff to increase communication and improve morale. LEO also works with the library leadership to protect the interests of the staff.
LEO plans staff social functions, including the Summer Picnic and Holiday Party. (Add in something about Halloween?) LEO also aims to participate in charitable and service projects. Ongoing contributions include volunteering at the Cathedral of the Madeline and monthly food donations benefiting the Crossroads Urban Center.
LEO participates in the implementation of the Grievance Procedure. Each staff member who has passed the initial six-month probationary period is given the benefit of the Procedure. Once a grievance is filed, LEO begins the process as described in the Employee Handbook.
LEO is comprised of all library staff members. LEO Representatives are selected by each agency to support LEO. The Representatives report ongoing LEO activities to their agencies. They also seek input about issues and challenges that are happening throughout the Library and report back at the LEO Representative Council meetings
Approved August 1980
Revised March 1989
Revised August 2004
Section 1: The name of this organization shall be the Library Employees Organization of the Salt Lake City Public Library (LEO).
Section 1: The purpose of the Organization shall be to promote the professional, economic, social interests of staff, and to encourage and support service opportunities.
ARTICLE III�Membership
Section 1: Membership is open to every person who is employed by the Salt Lake City Public Library. Membership is for the duration of the employee=s tenure at the library.
Section 2: LEO encourages active participation of its members. Active participation can include paying membership dues, participating on and assisting LEO committees, and participating in LEO events and parties.
ARTICLE IV�Structure of the Organization
Section 1: All elected officers and departmental representatives must be active members of the Organization. This organization shall consist of a three member Executive Council and a Representative Council.
Section 2: The Executive Council shall be elected by the active membership according to the procedures set forth by the Bylaws. Each agency will select a staff representative for the Representative Council. Candidates for the Representative Council may be nominated by any library staff member.
Section 3: Members of the Executive Council shall serve a term of twelve months. Elections will occur the first week of January for the term beginning January 15. .
Section 4: Members of the Representative Council shall consist of a selected representative from each agency and branch in the system serving a term of one year. The selection for the Representative Council will occur prior to June 30 for the term beginning July 1, in conjunction with the Library�s committee selection process.
Section 5: The Executive Council shall appoint a Treasurer to serve at least annually.
Section 6: The Executive Council, with the approval of the Representative Council, shall appoint committees as needed.
ARTICLE V�Meetings
Section 1: Meetings shall be held as provided for in the Bylaws.
ARTICLE VI�Amendments
Section 1: All proposals for amending the Constitution or Bylaws shall originate in the Executive Council and/or Representative Council.
Section 2: All members shall be notified of such a proposal in writing and given sufficient time for consideration.
Section 3: A proposed amendment shall be adopted by a ballot vote of a simple majority of the members voting.
Amended November 1980
Amended June 1982
Amended March 1982
Amended October 1989
Amended August 2004
Section 1: Membership dues are payable on LEO Membership Drive Day. The membership drive day shall be in March, as determined by the LEO Executive Council. LEO will accept payment of dues at any point in the year.
Section 2: The Executive Council shall determine dues as an article of business prior to the LEO Membership Drive, which shall be approved by the Representative Council. Employees working less than 20 hours per week will pay one-half the amount.
Section 3: Persons employed by the Library throughout the year shall pay pro-rated dues as follows:
March-May 100 %
June-August 75 %
September-November 50 %
December-February 25 % (Let's cut pro-rated dues)
ARTICLE II�Rights and Privileges
Section 1: All members shall have the right to vote on matters of Organizational business.
Section 2: All members may serve as members of the Executive Council, Representative Council, Committee Chairs, and/or Committee members.
Section 1: General meetings of the Organization and its committees shall be open to the entire membership.
Section 2: The Executive Council shall meet as needed.
Section 3: The Representative Council shall meet monthly, currently on the fourth Thursday of the month. (second Monday)
Section 4: Committees shall meet at their own discretion or at the request of the Executive Council
ARTICLE IV�Committees
Section 1: Any member of the Library Employee�s Organization may voluntarily serve on a LEO committee, or at the request of an Executive Council member. Other committees shall be appointed as needed by the Executive Council.
ARTICLE V�Executive Council Elections
Section 1: The Elections Committee (Events Committee) shall request candidates to run for the Executive Council, including at least one candidate for President. The highest vote recipients will be selected for the Executive Council. If there is no candidate for President, the highest vote recipient will be selected as President. If no candidates run for LEO Executive Council, the current Executive Council and the current Representative Council will select new Executive Council members from combined councils.
Section 2: Executive Council members shall serve for a calendar year, beginning January 15. LEO members who wish to run for election shall announce their candidacy on or about December 1. After the campaign, LEO members shall elect one candidate for each seat on the Executive Council. Current members of the Executive Council may run for re-election. Candidates for the Executive Council should seek their agency manager�s approval before running.
Section 3: The election of the Executive Council members shall be by ballot vote. The Election Committee will send ballots to all LEO members on or around the first business day of January. Completed ballots must be returned within seven days of issuance.
Section 4: A vacancy occurring in the Executive Council before the end of a term shall be filled for the balance of the term through appointment by the executive Council as approved by the Representative Council.
Section 5: Candidates for the Executive Council must be current members of the LEO Representative or Executive Council to run. (Or from a location which is currently unrepresented in the representative council?)
ARTICLE VI�Representative Council Selection
Section 1: Each agency or coalition of agencies shall be responsible for having an active LEO representative that serves for one year. Each agency will select a representative no later than the fourth Thursday in August. Any LEO member may make a nomination for the Representative Council.
ARTICLE VI�Responsibilities under the Employee Handbook
Section 1: The Executive Council will be responsible for the Grievance Procedure as outlined in the Employee Handbook (Section 27).
Section 2: The Staff Rooms at Main and the branches are under the jurisdiction of the Library Employees= Organization. Their maintenance is the responsibility of all staff members of the Organization.
Duties of the Executive Council � Members of the Executive Council are elected by the membership of LEO. The Council consists of three members elected to serve for one year. The elected President will be the Council Chair for the entire year.
� Basic duties of the Council as outlined in the Constitution and Bylaws include appointing a treasurer, a secretary as needed, and LEO committees and committee chairs.
� If a member of the Executive Council is unable to complete his/her term, the Council will appoint someone to serve the balance of the term. The Representative Council will confirm the selection.
Additional duties of the Executive Council include:
� Meeting as needed with Library Director and staff.
� Acting as mentors to successive Executive Council members; providing and organizing information to make transitions between Executive Councils smooth and seamless.
� Posting relevant information on staff room bulletin boards.
� Coordinating attendance at monthly Library Board, Management, and other significant meetings.
� Arranging for staff Brown Bag lunches with the Director. Also arranges LEO Town Hall meetings at least annually. (Do we do this? Do we want to do this?)
� Selecting staff for the Distinguished Service Award at least once a year (Staff Development Day) to honor staff members who have provided outstanding service or contributions in the library system, the library field as a whole, or the community at large. (Do we still do this?)
� coordinating monthly LEO e-newsletter. This should include:
� minutes of LEO meetings
� calendar of upcoming events
� announcement of Employee of the Month and E-Interviews and call for nominations
� other relevant information to be distributed to LEO members
Duties of the President of the Executive Council
� Conducts Executive Council and Representative Council meetings and prepares an agenda.
� Participates in the Grievance Procedure as outlined in the Employee Handbook and LEO Bylaws.
� Keeps a record of LEO activities.
� Assigns a LEO member to take minutes for the Representative Council meetings.
� Purchases supplies for LEO events.
� Serves as a President Emeritus for three months following the election of a new President to provide counsel and guidance to the new President.
Duties of the Treasurer
� Responsible for collection of all funds and debts owing the Organization.
� Responsible for disbursement of LEO monies for all expenses paid by check.
� Keep Organization books, entering income and expenditures on weekly basis.
� Deposit money in bank as needed.
� Reports monthly income and expenditures.
� Record membership dues.
Duties of the LEO Representative Council Member
Each agency will select a representative to serve on a fiscal year basis.
� Attends the monthly LEO Representative Council Meeting. If the representative cannot be in attendance, the rep should appoint someone else to attend.
� The LEO Representative should report the matters discussed at the meeting to staff in the agency they represent.
� The LEO Representative should notify the Recognition Committee of illness, death, births, etc. of staff members they represent so that cards and/or a flower can be sent.
� LEO Representatives shall actively participate on LEO Committees as listed under Standing Committees of LEO.
� Report on any changes in the agency; e.g., staff leaving or new staff members entering the system. (Do we really need a report each meeting of this?)
� Provide New employees w/ a LEO welcome letter and overview of what LEO does
Standing Committees of LEO
ELECTION COMMITTEE (Now part of events)
The Election Committee is charged with holding regular elections for the LEO Executive Council. The Election Committee should seek candidates for yearly election to the Executive Council, including at least one candidate for President. The Election Committee shall encourage campaigning, print ballots including biographies and photos of all candidates, provide a method for submission of ballots, collect ballots and tabulate the results of the election, and announce the results of the election.
LEO is committed to being involved in a variety of community service projects. The service committee will select several projects over the course of the year. The committee will plan and organize each project, including logistics and staff participation. Examples of service projects include sandwich making at the Cathedral of the Madeleine, food donations for Crossroads Urban Center, purchasing holiday blankets, TV/Radio pledge drives, lunches at the Sorensen Center, or other projects.
This committee is responsible for the collection of articles, typing and editing of material for the newsletter. Each newsletter should include minutes from the previous meeting, a calendar of upcoming events, Employee of the Month announcements, Staff Interviews (E-Interview), and any other information pertinent to library staff.
This committee arranges for a card or flower to be sent to staff on return from birth or death leave. Other special occasions for staff members are also remembered with a card. This committee will request nominations for Employee of the Month from the staff-at-large and will selected a monthly winner. Additionally, the Recognition Committee should consider a Distinguished Service Award recipient to be given out at the library�s annual Staff Development Day. This committee is also charged by LEO to be responsible for the purchase of a book to be donated to the library in honor of each retiree. The committee may also determine other awards to be given to individuals or agencies.
This committee shall plan, develop, and host LEO parties. The committee shall be responsible for the entire event, including arranging for volunteers, bringing supplies, providing entertainment and activities, and cleanup. Examples of LEO parties include the Halloween Party, the Holiday Party, the LEO Summer Picnic, and LEO Baseball nights. (Baseball nights sound awesome) Other LEO Events include LEO Membership Day, Town Meetings, Movie Nights, Sport activities (e.g. bocce, softball). The Event and Party Committee will also arrange food for the Friends� Booksale.
Staff Rooms
A staff room, located on the fifth floor of the Main Library, is maintained by LEO for the use of library personnel, volunteers, official library guests and others having approval of the Library Employees� Organization. A lounge, kitchen facilities and vending machines are provided. Anyone using the staff lounge or kitchen is responsible for cleaning up after themselves. Each branch library has staff room facilities that are maintained by the staff members at that branch.